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Lifecycle Reviews

In projects where we act as SPV Manager we proactively monitor and control all aspects of the lifecycle replacement process. Our processes ensure that contractual obligations are met and our monitoring and control regimes ensure lifecycle funds are protected.  We are therefore able to undertake independent reviews on other PFI/PPP projects to ensure that the lifecycle process is being managed effectively. 

Lifecycle Review 

On completion of this Review we will present a detailed report on all aspects of the Lifecycle service.  We will provide our comments and recommendations under the following headings:

Contract Review of Lifecycle Obligations - we will review, summarise and comment upon all salient contractual requirements of the Project Agreement, Facility Agreement and FM Contract. This will include an assessment of the FM Providers Condition Surveys and the subsequent planning and provision of maintenance and lifecycle programmes.

Delivery of Lifecycle - we will assess the extent to which the contractual processes and procedures are being followed in the day to day planning, management, delivery and payment of lifecycle works.

Completed Works - we will review previously executed works to assess the extent to which actual works compared to the original indicative expenditure plan and the extent to which expenditure was controlled.

Adequacy of the Fund - we will comment on the adequacy of the fund by assessing the current balance plus future contributions against the estimated cost of all future anticipated lifecycle works.

Recommendations - we will provide advice and recommendations on how to implement Best Practice procedures.